Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Interview at EcomBalance. At EcomBalance, we’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the ecommerce space.
In this exclusive interview, we have a conversation with Neil Twa from Voltage.
Neil is the co-founder and CEO of Voltage Digital Marketing. He has been launching, operating, and growing private label ecommerce businesses for the last 9+ years. As of today, he and his clients have sold over $100 million+ in physical products primarily through the Amazon FBA sales channel.
Neil shares his blueprint for how to build an online business that can generate a passive “almost automated” six-figure income in just 12 to 18 months. And how to set up the business for potentially millions in sales within 18-24 months through a ‘pay as you profit’ skin in the game model of consulting + performance driven business mentoring.
Connor: Hey Neil, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high level overview of Voltage and how it got started?
Neil: Voltage was founded in 2019 from 2 multiple 7-figure Sellers Who’ve Been Building e-Commerce Brands On Amazon Since 2012. Reed Larsen and I have collectively been involved in generating over $100M in FBA sales since we started our first brand in 2012.
We have gone on to build 8 different brands, launch 1000+ stores with our clients, taken multiple e-commerce companies to exit, and built a company that launches, operates, acquires, and represents some of the Top 1-5% of all sellers on Amazon.Connor: That’s awesome! Can you dive a bit more into the coaching and account management services? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them.
Neil: Voltage Business Builders, Voltage Amazon Account Management Services (VAAMS) Most Valuable Products Service (MVP) – Our priority process helps you dominate the competition and ensure long term growth.
Connor: Jumping off of that…if there was one problem you’d say that Voltage solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why?
Neil: How to drive $50k-100k/mo in almost automated income using a simple ecommerce game plan that’s generated this entrepreneur and his clients over $100M+ in collective online sales in only 1-2 hours a day…
Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products, services, or enhancements to your current services?
Neil: For next year, we want to continue to grow the Coaching Mentorship advisory roles. We are playing within the company, strategically trying to align ourselves with great operators or potential CEO operators as well as companies that make sense that are doing great operations but maybe don’t have the best channel optimization for Amazon. We can bring off Amazon business to Amazon and continue to evaluate, grow, and scale those that are on Amazon to potential exits.
Our specific initiative are to continue to move products and services of those companies forward. To continue to evolve our GreenLight Dashboard process and methodology into more automation within our launch process. That’s definitely two of things we are going to be focused on next year.
Connor: And how specifically would you say that Voltage and your team is different from other similar businesses in the industry?
Neil: Our goal is to help you build a business that provides nearly automated income but also one that you can eventually sell. With our top-class Amazon account management, we help you grow your brand and position you for a profitable exit with our network of Amazon business buyers without having to do all the heavy lifting yourself.
Connor: What made you decide to get involved in the coaching and account management space? What’s your starting eCommerce story? From what we’ve found, a lot of business owners providing similar services have fun stories of how they first started…
Neil: Mr. Twa is the co-founder and CEO of Voltage Digital Marketing. He has been launching, operating, and growing private label e-commerce businesses for the last 9+ years. As of today, he and his clients have sold over $100 million+ in physical products primarily through the Amazon FBA sales channel.
Neil shares his blueprint for how to build an online business that can generate a passive “almost automated” six-figure income in just 12 to 18 months. And how to set up the business for potentially millions in sales within 18-24 months through a ‘pay as you profit’ skin in the game model of consulting + performance driven business mentoring.
Connor: Love it! Talking more about the eCommerce industry, where do you see it going in the next 1-2 years? Any unique predictions that you could share?
Neil: I do predict major adoption will continue to grow post Covid. as we had a huge bump with the amazon aggregators coming on board & spending 20 Billion dollars and growing that market. Of course it is consolidating, capitulating, it is doing its sees at the moment as it optimizes for a new market place and that will bring significant change in the next few years as that sort of gets dialed in.
Amazon is now see as a real business model if you’re just an Amazon FBA Channel so I see that in the next few years that adoption growing faster and faster especially for those who are on Shopify, WooCommerce or direct to consumer channels and that the direct to consumer channels are going to need to make a strong play in places like amazon and Walmart and other marketplaces so they are going to need to bring these other secondary channels on where it’s been sort of nice to have I see it being a need in the next 1 – 2 years and that’s going to change a lot of the business for those who are on both sides of the fences because they obviously in the Amazon FBA Channel the opportunity is to open direct to consumer and I see a lot of Amazon people starting to move towards that.
Those who are building brands are now going to be building secondary channels out and that is becoming a bigger realization for the market as it matures.
Connor: Giving you an open mic for a minute, what is something you’d want the EcomBalance audience to hear?
Neil: One of the biggest things is to ensure the stability of your mindset as a business owner. There is the aspect of working in your business and on your business. I know this gets belittled a lot but if we use Elon as an example. While he’s got Tesla and he’s got SpaceX now he’s into Twitter.
He’s an example of building great teams.
I would encourage people to stay focused as operators and owners on the different aspects of what an operator and owner looks like. Ensuring that they are moving themselves into the Owner position if they are operators and creating operational independence. That’s one of the things about Amazon companies that we miss a lot.
When other people start the company, they are not really good operators actually and that’s one of the skill sets that we train a lot of people on and quite honestly back to the mindset again it really has to do with the strength of their tenacity, their ability to be a go getter in perfect action taking in whatever aspect of the business whether is product research, customer support optimization, etc. or even running their PPC Campaigns that they are working somewhat imperfectly to work through that process of creating value within their brand to ensure the upside potential of their business is there.
So I would have them focus on a strong mindset, business fundamentals, and ensuring they are building with the end in mind so they are structuring their business from the beginning with the right accounting and business structure and fundamentals so that the upside potential for their business is much greater in the end.
Connor: Changing gears a little bit…When it comes to bookkeeping and accounting, what do you think the biggest pain points for business owners are? Feel free to speak from personal experience as well.
Neil: Line item accounting and bookkeeping for amazon can be difficult for individual operators so we typically bring somebody who has experience or can be trained in the bookkeeping and stay up with the transactional basis, the Lexisnexis aspect of maintaining taxation for which location states, etc., might require it and keeping up with that and that can actually be a lot so we always recommend a bookkeeper get involved who understands E-commerce and transactional E-commerce for amazon and that just saves the business owner a lot of time heartaches and effort booking these transactions correctly for E-commerce.
Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today?
Neil: Visit our website to get a free training workshop that will take them through the 5 big shifts that all sellers need to make to 10x their business on Amazon. it’s a free training they can get access to, they can sign up & there is also a podcast training on their with myself and Kevin Harrington that goes through the fundamentals of the business operations why he predicts that Amazon is the next As-Seen-On-TV and how that can really impact a positive business model for everybody. There’s a free training course that is worth a couple grand. The training, the time together and the templates and resources that are given as. part of that will all be free for anybody that joins the email list and that will be handed out to them on the email.