Partner Spotlight: Resolving eCommerce Disputes and Protecting Businesses with David Miller from DAM Law Firm


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Hey, thanks for tuning in to another Partner Interview at EcomBalance. At EcomBalance, we’re all about creating win-win partnerships where we are able to grow with other companies in the eCommerce space.



In this exclusive interview, we interview David Miller from DAM Law Firm, a law firm that represents Amazon sellers with Amazon related related matters.


David Miller is an attorney experienced in helping Amazon sellers with listing / account suspensions, intellectual property complaints, brand protection, and various business law issues. David has resolved hundreds of Amazon related disputes and is able to provide strategic advice to protect businesses from the many challenges online business owners face.


Connor: Hey David, thanks for taking the time to chat with us here. We love getting to know our partners better so that our community can benefit from what our partners are offering and doing in the industry. To get started, can you give us a high level overview of DAM Law Firm and how it got started? 


David: Sure. We represent Amazon and e-commerce sellers with listing / account suspensions, intellectual property disputes and registrations, brand protection, and various business law issues. We have resolved hundreds of e-commerce related disputes and are able to provide strategic advice to protect businesses from the many challenges online business owners face.


Regarding how the firm started – during and out of law school, I was exposed to IP and the world of e-commerce. I quickly became fascinated with the area of law and had a dream of opening my own law firm one day. After several years of experience, I decided to take a leap of faith and David Allen Miller Law, PLLC was born!


Connor: That’s awesome! Can you dive a bit more into the legal services that you offer ecommerce businesses? I’m sure our audience would love to know exactly what problems you could solve for them. 


David: Of course! 


Amazon Suspensions: Unfortunately, many Amazon sellers are suspended on the platform for a variety of reasons. We help sellers get back in business by reinstating their accounts and/or listings.


Intellectual Property: Received an intellectual property complaint from a rights owner? As an IP attorney, I assist in the process with analyzing the claims, contacting the rights owner, and resolving the dispute. I also assist sellers with trademark and copyright registrations.


Brand Protection: If someone is infringing on your intellectual property rights, we provide brand protection services to remove counterfeiters and infringers. 


Business Law: We help ensure businesses draft, analyze, and negotiate the agreements in place to minimize risk. 


Connor: Jumping off of that… if there was one problem you’d say that DAM Law Firm solves best for your clients, what would it be? Why? 


David: That’s a tough one. I would have to say resolving intellectual property disputes and Amazon suspensions. It’s our bread and butter.


Connor: As the company continues to grow over the next year, what are your plans for expansion? Any new products or offerings or enhancements to your current products? 


David: Our plan is to expand our services this year. The goal is to take on more arbitration cases against Amazon as well assist additional sellers with the sale of their e-commerce businesses. 


Connor: And how specifically would you say that DAM Law Firm and your team is different from other similar businesses in the industry?


David: We know Amazon inside and out. There are lots of lawyers but there are few that understand the ins and outs of Amazon like we do. 


Connor: What made you decide to get involved in the law space? What’s your starting eCommerce story? From what we’ve found, a lot of business owners in the space have fun stories of how they first started…


David: So I laugh when I think back on it now but I first took an interest in the legal profession when I started watching Law and Order SVU probably about 20+ years ago. While I did not go the criminal attorney route, every time I see the show on TV, it takes me back. 


My first professional exposure to e-commerce was not until my first full time associate position after law school. My passion for IP and e-commerce has only grown since then. 


Connor: Love it! Talking more about the eCommerce industry, where do you see it going in the next 1-2 years? Any unique predictions that you could share? 


David: I think, like many others, that ChatGPT is going to change the ecommerce industry as we know it. Sellers are already experimenting with ChatGPT for product descriptions, social media content, email marketing, etc. As an IP attorney, I also cannot help but think about the potential liability so I would urge anyone using it to make sure to carefully review the text to ensure that it does not contain infringing content.


Connor: Giving you an open mic for a minute, what is something you’d want the EcomBalance audience to hear?


David: Avoid black hat tactics. Do your best to vet your suppliers, review the invoices they provide before you begin selling the products, and if you are not a private label – make sure to conduct thorough research to ensure you are not infringing on anyone’s intellectual property. 


Connor: Changing gears a little bit…When it comes to bookkeeping and accounting, what do you think the biggest pain points for business owners are? Feel free to speak from personal experience as well. 


David: Just how time consuming it can be. It can take away from performing more critical business tasks which is probably one of the main reasons a lot of companies outsource it.


Connor: As we close this out, I just have one more question. Where is the best place to find and follow you and the company online? Also, if you have one, is there any special offer that you’ll be offering to the community today? 


David: Sure – our website is You can follow us on Instagram @davidallenmillerlaw, TikTok @davidallenmillerlaw or subscribe to our YouTube channel @davidmillerecommercelawyer.

Yes, free consultations to anyone who would like to discuss any potential issues!

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Picture of Connor Gillivan

Connor Gillivan

CMO and Founder of EcomBalance. Founded FreeUp (acquired in 2019). Founder of Outsource School. Published Author. Investor.

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